(中文) 工业设计学院2024届本科毕业设计展

The term “New quality productive forces” was introduced by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection tour of Heilongjiang Province in September 2023, it refers to productivity led by technological innovation that breaks away from the traditional mode of economic growth and development pathway and meets the requirements of high-quality development. It refers to the productivity which is more integrated and embodies new connotation in the digital era. Its key components “digital productivity”, “green productivity”, “blue productivity”, are driven by design innovation, guided by forward-looking design concepts, and guaranteed by design education and talent cultivation.

Therefore, teaching with the exploration of New quality productive forces has become the normal practice of the School of Innovation Design to integrate the macro environment and real needs. This kind of exploration is not only reflected in new directions, propositions, concepts and styles of design, but also touches on the foundations of design education (e.g., thinking, methodology, practice and history). Exploratory design teaching not only expands the information content of design knowledge, but also explores the non-informational content of design knowledge, placing the deeper issues of knowledge in the design field on the surface to be considered. Integrating seemingly opposing things into an interconnected network reflects a more optimistic and enterprising attitude. It makes it possible to teach and learn from each other, and adds more confidence to face the changes ahead.

This year’s graduates are university students who have gone through the trials of the epidemic and entered the post-epidemic era, facing far more challenges and pressures than former graduates. However, these experiences have made you stronger, braver and more resilient. In the future, no matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, please remain optimistic and firm in your beliefs. Courageously face the unknown, bravely chase your dreams, and create your own wonderful life.

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